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Cycle Activities for young People

Cycle Adventure Days: Group days out cycling along The Strawberry Line, accompanied by our team and using our fleet of bikes. Riders are able to enjoy the nature and surroundings along the cycle path, while challenging themselves with a day of cycling. Picnic bags can also be provided, enabling the group to enjoy a full day. Ideal for youth groups, schools and other support providers of young people.


Saturday Learn to Ride Lessons: Our 30 minute lessons are a great way for children young people with additional needs. Supported by our ride leader, riders are able to access our range of bikes and support to develop their cycle skills.


After School Cycle Club: Our Wednesday After school cycle club is held at 4.3pm, during March to October. Young rider with additional needs are enabled to enjoy a cycle, make friendships and develop their cycle skills.


Inclusive Cycling: Our Wednesday drop in sessions for people with disabilities, additional needs and enduring health conditions are held all year round, so are available to children and young people during their school holidays.


Weekly Group sessions: These sessions are available for youth groups or schools to arrange on demand. With access to our bikes, groups can attend weekly, a great way to develop cycle skills and abilities over a period of time.

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